Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why Do I Serve..?

When I first joined the Army it was out a selfish need for some badge of honor, before my knees were too old to take me. When I graduated from Basic training I was told I was the tip of the spear, boots on the ground, and all that "whooah" crap. But when I get up in the morning to run in the cold I think to myself, that my wife wont be up for another 2 hours. That's why I serve. That's why I get beat up, yelled at, mop floors, and wake up way too early and get off way too late. So that my wife can sleep, and not. Don't get me wrong when I fly home for Christmas, I'll be wearing my class A's. I'm proud to be an infantryman and wear my blue cord. But in the end, I wear myself out, so others don't have to. I saw a quote in the office of the Command Seargent Major of the Los Angles M.E.P.S. and it's so perfect:

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill


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